Monday, December 14, 2009


1.Cue-pg.99- NOUN A. anything said or done, on or off stage, that is followed by a specific line or action: An off-stage door slam was his cue to enter.
B. anything that excites to action; stimulus.
C. a hint; intimation; guiding suggestion.

2. Asphalt-pg.99 NOUN A. any of various dark-colored, solid, bituminous substances, native in various areas of the earth and composed mainly of hydrocarbon mixtures. B. a similar substance that is the by-product of petroleum-cracking operations.
C. a mixture of such substances with gravel, crushed rock, or the like, used for paving.

3. Snippet- pg. 102 NOUN A. a small piece snipped off; a small bit, scrap, or fragment: an anthology of snippets.
B. Informal. a small or insignificant person.

4. Bludgeoned- pg. 104 NOUN A. a short, heavy club with one end weighted, or thicker and heavier than the other.

5. amid pg. 105 PREPOSITION A. in the middle of; surrounded by; among: to stand weeping amid the ruins.
B. during; in or throughout the course of.

6. Retched pg.106 VERB (used without object) A. to make efforts to vomit.

–VERB (used with object) B. to vomit.

7. Staccatos pg. 107 ADJ. A. shortened and detached when played or sung: staccato notes.
B. characterized by performance in which the notes are abruptly disconnected: a staccato style of playing. Compare legato.
C. composed of or characterized by abruptly disconnected elements; disjointed: rapid-fire, staccato speech.

8. Scuffle pg.108 VERB (used without object) A. to struggle or fight in a rough, confused manner.
B. to go or move in hurried confusion.
C. to move or go with a shuffle; scuff.

9. COYLY-PG.123 ADJ. A. artfully or affectedly shy or reserved; slyly hesitant; coquettish.
B. shy; modest.

10Sulked pg.112 VERB (used without object) A. to remain silent or hold oneself aloof in a sullen, ill-humored, or offended mood: Promise me that you won't sulk if I want to leave the party early

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