Monday, February 1, 2010

I all ready meet with my sponsor. She is a very cool lady and I really like her a lot. On the first day I heard everyone's story of how they started in cosmetology. She also asked me about the final project. My sponsor wented me too create it and she will only give me some ideas as too what would be better. She want's me to get better in trimming hair and to learn as much as I can.
There were happy and excited the same as me. On the second visit, I shampoo the hair of a mannequin and give her a trim as well. Just a small trim so I would have it for later on the road. I did not meet my sponsor on the past two weeks because we had our kick off event and then she needed to go to a meeting last week. She is patient and she is a really good teacher. I really enjoy having her as a sponsor.
My mom will be caming with me on my next visit and I will trim her hair. We will not pay anything and if I wan to try to color it well then I will have to pay just for the color.

1 comment:

Mr. Abrams said...

You are going to have a wonderful experience. I am so glad that you feel at home when you visit your sponsor.